3.2 Export Contact

Brief description:

• Export all contact lists of the account, including previously imported illegal data and contents with error

Request URL:


Request method:


Request Parameter:

Parameter Name Required Type Description
userId Yes Int G-Net user Id, currently it must be super admin of the application manager
phoneList No arrayList Phone number list, if there is value, then check the actual contact based on phone number, max 500, if no value, then check based on sequence
pageSize No Int Check quantity per time, max 500, default 500
status Yes Int Status, 1: normal contacts; 2: failure contacts; 3: all (default)

Request parameter example

  "userId": 6135684,
  "phoneList": [
      "phone": "18115675740"
      "phone": "18115675741"
      "phone": "59933637"
      "phone": "59933634"
      "phone": "59933635"
  "pageNum": 1,
  "pageSize": 100,
  "status": 3

Curl Request:

 curl -l -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST -d '{"userId":2258811,"status":1}' -k --cert /d/cer/qs.deal.20220715/qs.deal.client_cert.pem --key /d/cer/qs.deal.20220715/qs.deal.client_key.pem https://telopenapi.quanshi.com/tel-conference/deal/v1/address/export


Parameter Name Type Description
phone String Phone number, should be fully matched, and identical with imported contactPhone

Return parameter description:

Parameter Name Type Description
code Int Response Status value
msg String Error description
requestId String Request id, G-Net use this parameter to trace the request
data Json the detail data

Return data parameter description:

Parameter Name Type Description
totalNum Int Contact quantity, checked based on search condition
pageNum Int Current page
pageSize Int Request quantity
addressList ArrayList Contact list

Parameters addressList:

Parameter Name Type Description
depName Int Department Information
contactName Int Name
contactEmail Int email
contactPhone String Mobile number
contactCountry String Country code, default format “86”
contactAreaCode String Area code (mobile number excluded)
remarks String Error information, this will be null if the contacts are imported successfully
status int Status, 1: normal contacts; 2: failure contacts;

Response example

  "code": 0,
  "msg": "Operation_Succeeded",
  "requestId": "7bf63bab-5a00-fd0d-9d23-5cd102932b5a",
  "data": {
    "totalNum": 300,
    "pageNum": 1,
    "pageSize": 100,
    "addressList": [
        "depName": "",
        "contactName": "",
        "contactEmail": "",
        "contactPhone": "13771855601",
        "contactCountry": "86",
        "contactAreaCode": "",
        "remarks": "",
        "status": 1
        "depName": "",
        "contactName": "",
        "contactEmail": "",
        "contactPhone": "59938382",
        "contactCountry": "86",
        "contactAreaCode": "",
        "remarks": "",
        "status": 2