2.15 Subscribe Callback of Meeting

Brief description:

Add your callback address to a meeting, you will receive callback message of this meeting.

Request URL:


Request method:


Request Parameter:

Parameter Name Required Type Description
confId Yes Int Meeting id, the unique identifier of the conference
userId Yes Int G-Net user Id
confBillingCode Yes String Conference bc
callbackUrl Yes String The address to receive push messages, the request method of push messages is POST
event_type No String Message type, default ALL, ALL=subscribe all messages; CONF=subscribe only conf type messages, PARTY=only subscribe party type messages;

Request parameter example

"userId": 6135684 ,
"confId": 13679 ,
"confBillingCode": "59398233",
"callbackUrl": "https://xxxx.xxx.xxx/quanshi/callback"

Curl Request:

 curl -l -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST -d '{"userId":2258811,"confId":833045,"confBillingcode": "34431686","callbackUrl": "https://xxxx.xxx.xxx/quanshi/callback"}' -k --cert /d/cer/qs.deal.20220715/qs.deal.client_cert.pem --key /d/cer/qs.deal.20220715/qs.deal.client_key.pem https://telopenapi.quanshi.com/tel-conference/deal/v1/conference/sub

Return parameter description:

Parameter Name Type Description
code Int Response Status value
msg String Error description
requestId String Request id, G-Net use this parameter to trace the request

Response example

"code": 0 ,
"requestId" : "7bf63bab-5a00-fd0d-9d23-5cd102932b5a"