Notification Description

Meeting notifications

Notification type: conf

Notification format:

{billingCode = ’33333’ , status = ‘0’}

Notification parameter:

Parameter Name Type Description
billingCode String meeting bc, used to locate which meeting the notification belongs to
status String meeting status, used to distinguish notification type and status

The Values of Status:

Status Description
1 meeting start
-1 meeting end
100 Opening meeting recording
101 Meeting recorded
102 Meeting not recorded
103 Recording paused
40 Mute all not opened
41 All muted

Participant notifications

Notification type: party

Notification format:

{billingCode = ’33333’ , partyId = ‘1595239406278YY10000’ , name = ‘真实名称’ , phone = ‘13939232332’ ,  country= ‘86’ ,  areaCode= ‘010’,  acmPhone= ‘(86)13939232332’,  role = ‘1’ , partyStatus = ‘0’,  disconnectReason = ‘0’,  connectTime=’1607076269000’, city=’陕西.西安’}

Notification parameter:

Parameter Name Type Description
billingCode String meeting bc, used to locate which meeting the notification belongs to
partyId String after participant joins meeting, the unique id will be generated, used to identify which participant this notification belongs to
name String participant name, replaced by phone number if it’s call in
phone String Phone number
country String Country code
areaCode String area code
acmPhone String participant’s joining phone number, format (country code)+area code+phone number, or (country code)+mobile number
role String participant role, 0 as expert, 1 as consulting client
partyStatus String participant status (see details below)
disconnectReason String participant disconnection reasons (see details below)


partyStatus Description
0 Disconnected, reasons obtained by disconnectReason
1 Disconnecting
2 Connecting
3 Meeting Hold
4 Mute
5 Can hear and speak
100 Listen to music
101 In service
102 Dialing, including *8 and 0p dialing
103 Call holding


disconnectReason Description
0 No reason
1 Hung up by the host
2 Remote end hung up
3 No answer
4 Busy
5 Port full
7 Meeting in full capacity
8 Meeting locked
9 Meeting doesn’t allow dialing